「我認識這隻海豚」”I know this dolphin.”

How close can human and nature be? I had imagined human “respecting” nature unidirectionally, but I never thought we could communicate with the nature.

和貓頭鷹對答 Dialogue with an owl



最神奇的是,樹上的貓頭鷹竟然回應了Fernando!之後他又模仿了多種動物的叫聲,也一一得到回應。他甚至能夠說出每種叫聲的意思:求偶、通信、警告……這實在是超乎我的想像 – 我從不知道人類也能發出這樣的聲音,更沒想過人和雀鳥有可能做到任何有意義的溝通!

One early morning, we went on canoes to observe the transition between day and night. The guide, Fernando, told us not to rely on our eyes, instead observe the change of sounds with our ears. We realized that the sounds around us were fading, and soon new sounds started to join, like an orchestra transiting into a new movement.

Fernando explained in a low voice the species that each sound came from. “The long one with high pitch, it’s a xxx(I forgot which) owl, probably on the tree over there.” Suddenly, the same sound became extremely close, so close that it seemed to be on our boat. We searched around without spotting anything, and it turned out to be from Fernando! It was so similar to the real one that I couldn’t believe at first. But that was Fernando imitating the owl!

What is more, the owl actually replied to his call! He then imitated a few other animals, and every time he got the animal’s response! He could even tell the meaning of each sound: mating, communicating, warning……That was way beyond my imagination – I never knew these sounds could be made by human, and I had never imagined the possibility of meaningful communication between human and birds.

「我認識這隻海豚。」”I know this dolphin.”


Once, navigating with another guide, we encountered the dead body of a dolphin. The guide saw it, paused, and said, “I know this dolphin. She’s from a family of 4 dolphins. We used to swim and play together. I guess she tried to eat a spiky animal. I am really sad now.” We remained silent on the canoe for a long time.



I never thought human could build such relationships with wild animals. Amazon, turned out to be much more approachable than my imagination. Nature isn’t that uninhabitable, that ferocious, nor does it always kill. I guess that’s the most important reflection I have had in the whole trip.

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