用中國樂器拉著日本音樂的智利人 Chilean playing Japanese music with Chinese instrument

「對,他叫“Er U”」(西班牙文不發h音)
“That’s a Chinese instrument!”
“Yes, it’s called ‘Er U’.” (the “H” in its name “Er Hu” is not pronounced in Spanish)


(English follows) 在市中心附近遊蕩,突然聽到很幽怨的聲音。走近一看,竟然有人在拉二胡!我好奇問他在哪裡學的,他說「solo(自己)」。我問就是上網自學嗎?他說沒有,是他自己摸索出來的!

原來這位智利大叔覺得二胡超好聽,於是就在古玩市場(還是二手物市場?原諒我的爛西班牙文)買了一把。他本來是拉小提琴的,所以一邊亂拉一邊聽就學懂了。他拉的正好都是我最愛的幾首日本音樂 – 宮崎駿、犬夜叉……還加了很多滑音和裝飾音,我真的要陶醉死了!


Wandering around the city center when I saw somebody playing a Chinese instrument – Er Hu! I was curious so I asked where he learned it. He said “solo (by himself)”. I asked if that means self-learning on the internet. Surprisingly, he said no! He learned it simply by investigating the instrument by himself!

The story was, he loved the sound of Er Hu so much that he bought one from the antique market (or second-hand market? Forgive my horrible Spanish). Since he played the violin, he picked it up easily by himself (Er Hu is also a string). He happened to be playing all my favorite Japanese songs – those from the Studio Ghibli, anime Inuyasha……with lots of ornaments and glides. Loved it so much!

Now I want to buy a South American instrument from the markets!

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